I took you all on a journey and gave you a glimpse of six days in my life. From the hurled judgments of others to a strong support system, from days I felt lost to days with laughter marathon with a toddler at home, I tried to show you the life of a stay-at-home mom (My World).
The only thing left to share is who am I?
No, not talking about the roles or responsibilities of my life. I am a stubborn daughter, a pampered wife, a jovial friend, a passionate blogger (or so I think), and a doting mother. These are the roles I immensely enjoy and feel blessed each day.
But today, it is about ME. I am a free-spirited human being, I make mistakes but I am not afraid of taking the risk. I follow the call of the wind in my life but make sure to fly, swim, run, and walk at my own pace. I don’t get intimidated by anyone, but there are tons of people who inspire me each day. From fellow blogger moms to my toddler, I learn from all.
I am a responsible mother but I am still that carefree girl who enjoys all-nighters (even though I regret it in the morning) with my buddies. I am the finance manager of the house and I am the one who goes bonkers at times in any street market haul. I am the mature individual who thinks a zillion times before taking any step at the same time I am the one who every-time falls in love with a new character in the book and cries when he gets hitched to a fictional character.
“I am me. I am who I am meant to be. I am my past, my present, and who I want to be. I am not anyone, I am all three. I am a work in progress, a destiny. I am who I choose to be. I AM ME.” -Unknown
This blog (Day 3) is written for #BarAThon Edition 2 hosted by Blog-A-Rhythm.
You can read my previous blog in the series here.
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