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How you can learn from my breastfeeding journey

How you can learn from my breastfeeding journey

Someone has so aptly said that Life happens when you are making plans. I was all prepared and ready for the normal delivery and how I was going to breastfeed my baby from day one till she was about 2 or 3 years old. I knew as I read that the milk of each mother is the perfect food for her baby. It contains all the nutritional principles required for growth up to 6 months of age and is recommended by the World health Organisation even after weaning.

Life had other plans and due to some unavoidable circumstances, I had to go through C-sec. I was about 90 kg during my last month of pregnancy and after C-sec I had too much trouble sitting up for almost 10 days. The hospital that I chose for delivery did not have any lactation consultant and I did not realize how much difference it would mean. Even though elders did advise breastfeeding the baby it did not help much.

Many would say that they fell in love with their babies on day one but it wasn’t the case with me. I was unprepared for all the troubles and body aches C-sec brought and my weight made it worse. Hormonal changes, body aches, sleep deprivation, etc. at one point made me question my sanity and I kept breastfeeding on the second platform. Once I felt a little better, I realized the milk supply for my baby was not sufficient and I was adamant about making it better.

I read that breastfeeding not only supports growth but also helps in protecting our little ones from infections, obesity, and diabetes. It is always ready and at the right temperature, as well as being perfectly digestible. I read a lot and realized that breastfeeding is like an economic formula. Demand and supply is the golden rule. More demand means more supply, as my little one was not latching properly the demand for milk was not more.

I kept offering breast milk to my little one for a week and also bought a manual breast pump. While searching for breast pumps I did a lot of internet research. I came across the Chicco manual breast pump and found this information:

  • When you go back to work or if you have to briefly go out, you can use a breast pump to avoid losing all these benefits.
  • This useful equipment will serve not only to allow you to continue to give your baby your precious milk but also to avoid losing the stimulation of your breasts if, at feeding time, you cannot be with your baby.
  • All you need to do is place the cup to your breast so that it adheres well, making sure that the nipple is at its center, then gently press the lever, beginning with more rapid movements to create a vacuum, just as your baby does.
  • When you begin to express the milk, you just need to decide whether to give your milk immediately to your baby to store it in your fridge for up to 48 hours or freeze it for no more than 3 months.

Without a delay I bought it and it helped me a lot. On the days my little one was not up for latching, the breast pump came to the rescue. Here is a bonus point of breastfeeding, mothers who breastfeed succeed in losing any extra weight they may have gained during pregnancy must faster and recover from the birth much more quickly. Today, my munchkin is 19 months old and I happily breastfeed her.

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Mom of a beautiful and most adorable baby girl. I am a dreamer and a true optimist with a drop of crazy at heart. I have always been fascinated with the perpetual link of a pen and a heart. It amazes me how beautifully pen can write what heart truly believes. I am a stubborn daughter, pampered wife, doting mother and free-spirited human being. Do not forget to visit and

Reader Comments

  1. A tight hug for all the efforts you had put in making things happen. Only a mother can do this. Well, even I had to express milk as I had joined work after 5 months of delivery. In fact, I recently got to know that it’s very important to feed the child in 1st hr of the birth. So there are many such things we get to know as we grow in the journey. But I am sure there are many new mums who can use this posts for good. Very nice posts Kavita.

  2. That is true. Nothing prepares you for the aftermath of childbirth. Early days are really horrible and we dont feel the overwhelming love for babies. Hormones at play. Breast pumps are a great tool to enable mothers to ensure babies have breastmilk and yet be away from baby.

  3. I think this happens with all the moms that try later realise things and feel guilty. But it’s better not to think that much. We do best for our child. Breastfeeding is a beautiful thing and we all want to do it for Children but sometimes circumstances are different.

  4. Must have been a great experience I’m sure. The key to a happy breastfeeding experience is to never give up

  5. Breastfeeding is definitely the best for our babies! And, this bond begins as soon as we give a ur first feed to our child! 🙂
    Now that you say, even I didn’t have any lactation consultant:/ we had to figure it out ourselves!

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