I truly believe every women should be financially independent. Every individual needs to be financially independent – be it men or women. A large number of women in India are efficient homemakers but career takes…Continue Reading
Category: Lifestyle
How To Make Quick And Easy Hair-Style – Tips For Busy Moms
Busy Mom sounds redundant, isn’t it? I have yet to find a mom who says I have enough hours in my day to complete all my tasks. There is one thing, we moms often take…Continue Reading
Do You Know Enough About Depression To Help Someone Out
Rent? Fes? EMI? Love Life? Self-satisfaction? Emotional burden? Office work? And it keeps going on … The list of things that make our life stressful and welcome depression is never-ending. Gone are the days when…Continue Reading
5 Reasons Why You Should Be Selfish
One can be either a people-pleaser or a self-pleaser. Finding a balance between the two requires special skills, however, I believe, there is nothing wrong with being a self-pleaser. I, in all honesty, am one.…Continue Reading
4 Sizzling Jewelry types for a Perfect Wedding Reception Look
A grand wedding follows with a grand reception! The day is finally here you waited for so long and after this, you and your partner will be officially Mr. & Mrs. You will start sharing…Continue Reading
Brain “A Powerhouse of Thoughts”, train It Wisely!
“The brain not only receives information but interprets and patterns it” I found the above-mentioned definition of the pattern (verb) after a Google search. The first time when I heard this prompt the idea stuck…Continue Reading