Flushing toxins from your body with the help of a detox diet or detox drinks is a familiar phenomenon nowadays. Toxins in our body get flushed out of our system which results in the rejuvenation of our body. Negativity detoxification is the need of the hour.
Physical detoxification is important for the body and so is mind detoxification. Mind and bodywork in harmony. At times, we start feeling lonely due to so much exposure on social media to keep up with trends, and continuous pressure to earn a better salary package and to meet our never-ending expectations. We should be encouraged or determined towards life. A healthy mind can keep up with the requirements of the body in attaining your desired goals.
Dear readers, hold on, stop what you are doing, and take a deep breath. Look around you and be thankful for all the blessings in your life. Hug your beloved people and tell them how much you love them. Life has given you so much to be thankful for, from your baby’s gorgeous smile to your lovely and lively home adorned with your handpicked items. Have a cup of hot tea, listen to your favorite song, and think how far you have come.
Here are a few steps you can follow to truly detoxify the negativity from your life:
People with negative thoughts have nothing to offer you:
Look around and I am sure you will find these people in your phone list or friend list, yes then please get rid of these toxic people:
- Whenever you speak to them they will always have something to crib about. No matter how good their life is they will make sure to nag about something or the other from their life.
- They are sweet talkers or know their way around words. You discuss any new plan for your life and they will be the first ones to start counting all the flaws in it and make sure that you drop that idea or get scared of even trying.
- They will discuss their problems with you with no intention of finding a solution for it. All they need is someone to say “Yes you are right” to them always.
Positive thoughts will build your confidence and will help in negativity detoxification:
Find positivity from everywhere. If you like then put positive thoughts posters or cards in your room in places where your eye reaches easily. This helps. A continuous reminder of being better with each passing day can surely fill you with some positivity.
Start with some physical activity:
Time and again it has been proven that physical activity is your best friend when it comes to positivity in your life. There are tons of options to choose from for physical work from jogging to swimming. Choose the one that has your interest and make sure to follow it for at least 21 days (read somewhere that it takes 21 days to form a habit.)
Life is happening right now, live a little and thank your stars for whatever they have blessed you with. It is a time to relax, enjoy each moment, and indulge in negative detoxification. With so much happening around us, we have lost ourselves somewhere in the rat race of a bigger house, a bigger car, and a better paycheck.
Even though we know at heart that real happiness does not come from materialistic things still time and again need a gentle reminder to pull us back from a vicious circle of never-ending desires.
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Such an inspiring post.. The person is what his thoughts makes him..
I agree. Physical activity of some form is important to refresh and charge the brain and drive away negative thoughts.
Thats great post dear.. Amazing read.. Detoxification is really a need these days.
This article gives me suggestions such a boost. The minute we look at positives around we feel better and uplifted.
Very true. Just this morning I had a very rough start to the day. I forced myself to think of 5 positive things happening in my life right now and instantly I felt more calm and collected.
Negativity is a state of mind negative ..When I was working I came across more negative people and to convince them to be happy can make you come in their bad books I am happy to be in bad books ..
Better to stay away from negativity
Going daily for morning walk makes me positive and helps me to flush out all negativity of the day behind
My mom always said think positive to get positive. Your post reminded me of her words. Thanks for sharing
Really a good post! Happiness is a choice but it takes practice- but the practice makes perfect:)
I agree, happiness is a choice. We need to eventually weed out the people who bring nothing but negativity to our lives. Great post and thanks for sharing.
Mae | http://www.thegospelofbeauty.org
Kavita, a refreshing read and something I have been doing lately. I recently deleted a whole bunch of people from my contact list. I think if we depend on others for happiness and a general sense of well-being we will definitely find a couple of people who represent every form of negativity!
Thank you for reading Marla. I agree we should never rely on others for our own happiness 🙂
This is a great post. It’s difficult to remove negativity though when you deal with mental illness and have constant negative thoughts.
Starting with physical activity to help you transition to positive thoughts is a great idea! I always feel better after a work out and it seems like it would be prime time after to meditate on everything I have to be thankful for.
Thank you so much for reading 🙂
Thank you for reading Catie.
These are great reminders! Thanks for the article.
Thank you so much, Paula.
Loved this piece, so creatively put across!!
Thank you so much.