Dear readers, things are a bit back to normal for us but I know many families have gone through irreparable loss in recent times. Let’s be more kind to each other as the world needs healing from all the grief and tears. This blog post is a two-part series, the first part was all about my struggle while this one will focus more on my pregnancy and our recovery.
My state of mind was reflecting the state of my physical health. I kept writing in my journal, every day and documenting these horrible days. Why? Because times like these help me understand the strength of our minds and body. The days were bad and the nights were horrifying. But we humans have come this far with our spirit of love and compassion for our loved ones.
My loved ones kept messaging, asking for my health, sending their prayers, and making sure that one rope of hope was never away from me.
Pregnancy in itself is a whole new process for your body and then COVID-19, of course, made things difficult for me. This time fight wasn’t just physical but mental too. I kept rethinking about bringing a new life in these times and kept saying sorry for all the troubles my little one was going through within me.
All through this, one person who was standing like a rock was the man of the house. He was asymptomatic and had no physical discomfort. My brother lost his sense of smell too and fatigue was overwhelming both of us. My sister got her antibody test done as she was asymptomatic too but felt a bit tired all throughout the day. Her antibodies were skyrocketing signaling the exposure of this virus.
One of the most difficult parts of all this was avoiding talking to my parents. My one hello would show Mom my state of health and I didn’t want that. There is a lot that changes within you when you go through tough times in life. I don’t think I am an atheist but I was never a human who believed in prayers. My maa on the other hand is a devotee of Radhaswami and I don’t even have to tell the kind of faith she holds towards this.
Amidst my health hurricane, my in-laws caught COVID. The pain of looking at your parents through a video call when they are not well is unexplainable. I think the one thing that took the most hit was our mental state. We all were in fear and every time the phone rang we said a little prayer because we knew the severity of this virus. Pregnancy complications didn’t let us travel there and they couldn’t come here.
Prayers, medicine, our faith, your good wishes, our will to live, everything worked.
Quite a few years ago I read somewhere, that fear is sometimes an origin of faith, well, I don’t know how to explain it but it does remain your only hope when nothing else seems to be working. You turn to that one power when it becomes unbearable for you and you fear the bad would engulf your loved ones. You pray harder when that little life inside you starts to breathe a little slower.
Pregnancy hormones were kicking in hard. Every time, I would touch my bump, I felt a surge of strength within me. I had to be better for this little life that I chose to bring into this world. I don’t know how to explain this feeling of “I am a mother” and I won’t let anything happen to this little life of mine.
Here are a few things I learned and followed religiously, well, still do:
- Ask a doctor when in doubt especially, when it’s about medicines. I have seen so many people taking medicine without consulting doctors and I don’t have to tell you how dangerous it can get.
- A protein-rich diet, juices, water intake, and regular communication with the doctor helped me avoid visiting hospitals.
- Pay attention to your mental state as much as you pay attention to your physical state. I cried buckets the day I could move on my own and sat on the balcony. Seeing a bird flying in the blue sky after spending 17 days in bed was overwhelming.
- Pregnancy is beautiful yet can get sometimes too much to handle. Write in your journal, talk to people. Ask for help when needed.
- Prayers work or not, I don’t know. Does it bring calmness to your heart, yes, it did for me. Meditation is a blessing even if it is just for a few minutes.
As I write this, we have celebrated a bit of happiness we felt in a long time by looking at smiling faces by preparing “Jalebis” at home. Thank you to every one of you from the bottom of my heart. ❤️
This post is part of #Cause a chatter with Blogchatter #UnitedWeCan
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it’s tough to be mentally calm when we are in tough situation but yes I like it when u said journaling helped you.
I also started journqling and coloring mandala when I was isolated n had to stay away from my 2.5 yrs daughter. things are still not easy. I get regular headaches n lots f weakness now too.
You are a true fighter dear friend. I can’t even imagine how you must have managed this situation. I am so happy to see you better today. You have a fighter spirit girl and I am sure such battles would only make you stronger.
I can’t fathom the fear and anxiety you must have experienced during those days. God is really kind that you came out safe and sound.
These were testing times for you and thankfully you have sailed through it. Its great that you have documented this.
I had no clue you were tested positive for covid, probably the time when I was going through grief and isolation. It is absolute true, when we go through a particular situation, we understand the irony about it. Take care and stay healthy.
It is amazing, how you cope up with all this. Yes, i agree to the point where you mentioned about taking medication without asking doctors. I have seen many people doing this. Hope it stops.
You deserved those jalebis and the celebrations buddy glad the worse is over. Journaling and prayers too help a lot
This must be difficult for you but am glad that you’re writing this down. Only when one is faced with real fear do we realise the need to have faith and belief in the bigger power!
It was surely such a testing time for you and your family. It is really great of you to fight with determination and stay positive in such testing circumstances. Take care and stay safe.
You are a brave woman. I was waiting for part 2. It is an inspiration as to how you overcame the struggle.
That’s really amazing you fought the battle of COVID during pregnancy and yes being positive and moral support is really important…
i can totally understand how you felt, I am glad the phase passed. Positive mind set, prayers and medicines do wonder. Love this part 2
I can understand the pain and what you must have gone through. You are a real fighter and happy that you won this battle. Wishing you happy delivery!
I can’t even fathom what u and ur family must have gone through. But glad to know the worst is over. Best wishes for your remaining pregnancy journey. Stay safe.
I can understand how hard it must be for you. but I am so glad to know that everything has worked well for you. indeed prayer and faith have immense power and sometimes they work better than practical aid.
Kavita, these have been challenging times for all of us. And considering that you are expecting, I am sure, it must have been really difficult to stay strong and positive. But our mental state plays a very bog role towards our health. I am happy to read the you were back in the kitchen and enjoyed home made jalebi. Virtual hug to you!!
Kavita I know it is a very difficut time for you and for your family. I wish you a speedy recovery and a big virtual hug. Please take care very soon you will be blessed with a new addition in your family
I can’t even imagine what you must have gone through in these days of covid and pregnancy. I thank god that he stood by you and within you in the form of faith and you could conquer this Kavita.
All my best wishes for your remaining pregnancy and peaceful delivery.