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How To Cope Up With Mental Stress And Survive Through This Pandemic?

How To Cope Up With Mental Stress And Survive Through This Pandemic?

Dear readers hope your Sunday started with the smell of freshly brewed coffee or adrak-wali chai (ginger tea). I wanted to write about this feeling of “vulnerability and anxiousness” that I have been feeling lately. After speaking to a few of my loved ones, I realized, it’s not just me. To be honest, a few years ago I was the one who believed that mental health is just a phase. For anyone, who has not experienced any sort of mental stress is like a rare gem in times like now. There is a huge difference between mental stress and depression/anxiety. However, we can’t deny that stress can be an onslaught of what’s coming next, if not paid attention to.

This blog will nowhere share any advice or tips on how to cope with this emotion, on the contrary, will focus on how it is affecting the life of the individual who is writing it.

The tips and advice bit, I will leave it for the experts and people who can help you out.

The pandemic and its after-effects will be imprinted in our lives for many years to come. It’s a fact. A lot has changed and we all are coping with it in our way. Mental stress is not a thing of taboo anymore in our life. However, we are still far away from accepting the reality of its effects on us.

What was the major change in your life?

For me, being distant became a reality. I ended up overthinking every decision of my life. Too much time in hand also helped in this and my brain went on overthinking mode. Although it allowed me to be close to the people who are living under the same roof it also resulted in being distant from every other human who was part of my life. I stopped talking to people over the call. Somehow, my phone has started to give me anxiety. Pregnancy hormones are not making it any easy either.

I can also see a major difference in my five-year-old’s behavior. She has stopped asking to go out or meet new people. She gets overwhelmed and I can see her being uncomfortable even in the park.

What changes I have made in my life to overcome mental stress?

Being distant came with other challenges and I don’t know if I will ever be able to let go of all that is attached to it. Now, that things are a bit normal (not that it will ever be as normal as before) I am not ready to be involved in the indulgence of life. Here are a few changes that I have intentionally brought into my day-to-day life:

  • Being present in the moment: It is easier said than done. Our mind is usually flooded with thoughts and planning for the next moment. I am trying to live in the moment. Celebrating small things in life. A good cup of tea or a really good book. The smile on my little one’s face or holding hands with my better half.
  • Take a break: Social media unknowingly started to give me anxiety and mental stress. I heard an interview somewhere with a celebrity, she said “It is really difficult to earn money however, it is even more difficult to say no to the money and prioritize our mental peace”. I decided to take a break.
  • Picked up an old hobby: Amidst running for the day-to-day chores, I lost myself. Finding the time for myself became a task. Then on one random day, I decided to pick the painting brush again. Now, my little one enjoys this painting time the most.
  • Started welcoming people back in life: As mentioned before in the blog I disconnected from the outer world and it made me distant from the people who loved me. I picked up the phone and pushed myself to speak to those who genuinely missed me.

Thank God for these social platforms, they provide us a way to express our thoughts out in the pen and help in find the tribe who might resonate with it to heal together ❤️

This post is a part of the Blogchatter Half Marathon.

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Mom of a beautiful and most adorable baby girl. I am a dreamer and a true optimist with a drop of crazy at heart. I have always been fascinated with the perpetual link of a pen and a heart. It amazes me how beautifully pen can write what heart truly believes. I am a stubborn daughter, pampered wife, doting mother and free-spirited human being. Do not forget to visit and

Reader Comments

  1. These are difficult times for everyone. It’s taking a toll on our physical and mental health. A good write up mentioning the tips to deal with it.

  2. Yes most of us picked up old hobbies to give some solace in this sudden lockdown from moving out. Also taking a break did work for me.

  3. The times have been tough and indeed mental stress would often put me down. But I tried few things that helped me cope. And the writing was one of the main things that helped me to keep going.

  4. Even basic self care routine of regular breaks, some me time and a good hobby are great to keep stress at bay. For me books n mandala art coloring does the magic.

  5. There is no doubt that more or less we all are going through mental stress. Your are true fighter in dealing it through mindful approach. Learned a lot from your experience

  6. Basic self-care will keep our immune system strong and our emotional reserves full. Get enough sleep. Exercise regularly. Eat well.

  7. Pandemic has truly changed our perspective towards life and we now have different priorities in the life and I liked that when we pursue our hobby we feel lively in the dull moment too.

  8. The pandemic has posed so many challenges and tested everyone to their limits. Coping with the challenge is really important and one needs to evolve one’s own coping mechanism. It can be reading, fitness regime, music, or anything else as per personal preference.

  9. I know for sure what can happen to your mental health during the tough times. Having faced the anxiety & panic myself, managing a frontal attack is very tough. It is necessary to absorb only the good.

  10. More than our physical health, our mental health is what is put to test by the pandemic. It’s important to stay strong both physically & mentally.

  11. I am surely gonna need these suggestions. This pandemic has surely taken a toll on my mental wellness. I have been meditating and it is a bit helping me out

  12. This pandemic has changed our life. We are mentally, emotionally and physically affected. This post is worth sharing with everyone to give them positive vibes who are feeling low in their life

  13. Since you’ve shared your personal experiences and struggles, these tips are practical and easy. I’ve practiced few of them too and found them very effective.

  14. During the lockdown, we, too, witness several moments where we found our mental sanity at stake. The very moment we realize that things we were enjoying in lockdown initially now started panicking us. But yes, few activities we imbibed to our daily routine and a bit of revamping to our thought process helped us sail through.

  15. How you are feeling better dear. This pandemic has taken toll on most of us. There was a time when I used to blame social media for my disconnect with people but today I feel it’s a boon for the same reason. And of the day it depends on us to draw boundaries selective and attentive in choosing anything in life.

  16. Yes agree dear that this pandemic has affected our mental health badly and I also felt a higher level of stress and anxiety during last 2 years. but as you said rightly living in moment and take a break from news and social media can help a lot to break the chain of negative thoughts. I usually try to keep myself creatively busy to manage chain of negative thoughts and emotions.

  17. This pandemic really affected a lot physically, mentally, and emotionally. We really need to understand that it’s our aura and energy which can keep us going.

  18. Living in the present is what we all can do. There is no point in thinking too much about the future and be upset about the past. Distracting our mind, channelizing our energies towards positive direction and accepting the situation can help sail us through this tough time.

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