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Ladies Tailor by Priya Hajela, #Bookreview Genre: Fiction

Ladies Tailor by Priya Hajela, #Bookreview Genre: Fiction

Dear readers hope the weather is pleasant and treating you well, in your part of the world. This part of the world is buzzing with festivities and we all have been enjoying different kinds of sweets around the clock. The festivities have a new meaning since I have become a mother and the excitement of these tiny humans during festivities boosts our happiness too. Amidst all the adrenaline rush and excitement of festivities, the books provide me with a little calmness in my life. My recent read “Ladies Tailor” was one of my favorite reads of this year.

How do you familiarize yourself with times of era when you weren’t around? By reading the experiences of humans who were there. A little bit of fiction, a drizzle of some harsh reality, and a potpourri of those times are ready to be woven into your words. There is something about the stories of partition that leaves us all with a hollow heart and many thoughts to ponder upon. I did not know the book “Ladies Tailor” would leave such a mark on my heart, to be honest, I went into the reading spree without much of an idea of the storyline.


The story begins with the aftermath of Partition. Gurdev, the protagonist, traveled from Sukho, Pakistan, to Indi `ca, along with the other refugees, and had to start his life all over again. The guy is like a phoenix who manages to rise through the toughest situation no matter how hard life strikes the blow. For me, the first half was one of the most heartbreaking and heartwrenching stories to read. Some parts of this book reminded me of “Tamas” by Bhisham, Sahni, which I had read a few years ago. Reading Tamas was so heavy on my heart. Amidst all the bloodshed and loss, families struggled to safeguard each other.

They were struggling to move ahead, leaving behind their own homes and precious memories. A choice no one ever wants to make was their destiny to accept, Some decided to leave their newborns, while others had to abandon the elderly during those long walks to cross the border. All they carried with them was hope. Gurdev, our protagonist, left no stone unturned in ensuring the safety of his wife and kids. He tried really hard to persuade his parents to leave Lahore but they didn’t pay much heed to his suggestion.

The second half of the book was filled with dreams, hopes, and adventures. The hardships started to fade away and the author decided to increase my serotonin level by including a beautiful love story too. The ending didn’t feel like the ending but a beautiful new beginning.

What I Loved about the story

From well-written characters to the mysteries this book, Ladies Tailor came up with, I loved it all. I read this book within a week. In all honesty, that is quite a commendable job, for me, given the two kids who cling to me all through the day. Although I would have loved to read more about Gurdev’s journey, however, I can’t take away the fact that I was hooked till the last line of the book.

For me, a book instantly gains my interest if the language is easy to understand and the story flows smoothly, the book, Ladies’ Tailor delivers it beautifully. The little mysteries about trunks, gifts, or humans in the story were quite an interesting move too to keep the readers hooked. The author has gained my love with her book and I will surely be picking up her next one whenever she decides to write one 🙂

This one is going to be added to my recommendation list, a must-read list, and the best reads in 2022.

This review is powered by the Blogchatter Book Review Program. It’s a light read and keeps you hooked till the last page. You can purchase this book on Amazon.

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Mom of a beautiful and most adorable baby girl. I am a dreamer and a true optimist with a drop of crazy at heart. I have always been fascinated with the perpetual link of a pen and a heart. It amazes me how beautifully pen can write what heart truly believes. I am a stubborn daughter, pampered wife, doting mother and free-spirited human being. Do not forget to visit and

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