Moms time out Zone!

Sorcery of the senses by Tanima Das #BookReview

Sorcery of the senses by Tanima Das #BookReview

Dear readers, the weather deity of this part of the world is sending some unseasonal rains our way. The weather has taken a U-turn from spring to chilly winter vibes. Amidst this confusing weather, I decided to spend my weekend with some colors, canvas, a hot cup of ginger tea, and “Sorcery of the Senses” written by Tanima Das. Since I have rejoined the corporate world these weekends have a different meaning now.

Trying to spend most of my time with my offspring gets priority over anything during weekends however, this weekend not only did I manage to steal away a few hours to meet a dear friend but also managed to finish this book. All in all, a weekend is spent quite well surrounded by love, friends, books, and colors. Let’s start with the review of Sorcery of the Senses and see if it manages to get on the list of “must-read” books of this year.

Book: Sorcery of the senses

Author: Tanima Das

Genre: Fiction/Fantasy
Here is what I loved about this book

The reason I decided to pen down the review the very next day I finished reading this book is that it has left me mesmerized. I went in without any expectations and there was no preconceived notion of how the story will unfold. Sorcery of the Senses is written so well that you would be recommending it to others.


The USP of this book is that it is not a predictable story. The words flow smoothly and the story takes you along on a journey while reading this book. There are a couple of stories running within the story and all of these are so well written that it keeps one hooked till the last page. As the title suggests the senses have quite a hefty role to play in the story but I can bet there is no way you would be able to guess the storyline even when you are through with half of the book. With the right hooks in the storyline, the author manages to keep the interest intact.


The names, yes, the names of some characters made me sit up straight and took a real test of my pronunciation skill. I would love to have a conversation with the author to know more about the idea behind these names. The origin story of the idea of this book must be one hell of a story and I would love to hear it from the author. There are no heroes or villains in the story in the form of a human and yet you feel enraged, loved, and excited experiencing all the emotions through the writing.


One of the major reasons I fall in love with fiction/fantasy reads is that a writer’s imagination knows no bounds. When it ticks off all the right boxes of writing a great story the magic could be felt through their writing. With each page, I felt connected with Dhruv more and more, a protagonist who is going through a midlife crisis. Pick up this book if you love reading a great story with an impressive plot and relatable characters.

Quite an engaging read indeed!

I am eagerly waiting for the next part of the book and would love to see where this story would go. 

This review is powered by Blogchatter Book Review Program. You can purchase this book on Amazon.

This post is part of the #BlogchatterA2Z challenge’ and Blogchatter

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Mom of a beautiful and most adorable baby girl. I am a dreamer and a true optimist with a drop of crazy at heart. I have always been fascinated with the perpetual link of a pen and a heart. It amazes me how beautifully pen can write what heart truly believes. I am a stubborn daughter, pampered wife, doting mother and free-spirited human being. Do not forget to visit and

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